Body Firm


Helping women achieve their
body shaping goals to look and feel good


Our Services



Body Firm Pods transform your body and boost your confidence, all through low impact exercise. It is a targeted fat reduction solution designed to help reduce those stubborn centimeters.

Hypoxi Vacuum Suit2


Reclaim your shape with 20 minute sessions. Our vacuum and compression system enhances blood circulation, aids toxin removal and the reduction of cellulite, fluid retention and joint pain.


Body Firm is a low-impact exercise method that is up to 3 x more effective at burning stubborn fat than traditional exercise. Through our advanced vacuum and compression technology and healthy nutrition, Body Firm activates your body’s natural system to burn specific areas of fat and cellulite. Body Firm is simply the smarter way to get the body shape you’re after.

In just 12 sessions, clients can lose up to 30 centimetres in circumference from their problem areas – more than what you would typically achieve through conventional training.

The Benefits of BODY FIRM:

The Benefits of BODY DERMOLOGY COmfort:

Body Dermology Comfort (BDC) is an innovative treatment which can be used alone or in conjunction with any other Body Firm Training device to accelerate overall results. The BDC was specifically created to activate the metabolism of the skin’s connective tissue. 400 chambers within the BDC suit use vacuum and compression technology to work the skin. 

This relaxing and pain free 20 minute treatment is highly effective and offers a great range of benefits:


Why join body firm

Body Firm (formerly HYPOXI Keilor East) is boutique studio focusing on helping women in their 30s to 50s achieve their body shaping goals to feel and look good. 

Body Firm uses advanced modern technology to engage your body’s natural system to burn stubborn fat, providing quick, effective results. Compared to regular exercise our training studies have shown that it is up to three times more effective at getting rid of fat, cellulite and losing weight. Our machines use low impact compression technology while you exercise, which encourages your body to burn fat and cellulite in specific areas. It is scientifically proven to be a better way to achieve the body shape you want.


Many women between the ages of 30 and 50 begin to notice subtle but definite changes in their bodies; areas that were once toned and fat free, no longer are, especially around the tummy, hips and thighs, and with the best will in the world, exercising and training in the traditional ways, just doesn’t seem to have any impact.

Body Firm, however, offer effective weight loss solutions from their Melbourne centre in Essendon, with the twin approach of Body Firm Training and Body Dermology Comfort which can be used individually, or for greater efficiency, together.

Body Firm Training, scientifically proven to be three times more effective than conventional training, involves short but relaxing sessions, through which you can perform other tasks such as reading, or if you prefer, just focus on the simple low impact exercises. This training regime of targeted fat loss exercise in Melbourne has been shown to have significant results in as little as 4 weeks, with participants losing up to 26 cm from their problem areas, such as tummies and thighs after taking 3 sessions a week. Normally cellulite and fat in these areas is stubborn, almost impossible to deal with, but the Body Firm Training has been shown to be not only the most effective of fat loss treatments in Melbourne but also one of the most outstanding cellulite reduction treatments in Melbourne.

Unlike some other trending exercise fads, Body Firm provides highly credible low impact weight loss solutions in Melbourne that are primarily targeted at women, but for men with hard to shift fat, such as beer bellies, is also one of the best targeted fat loss solutions in Melbourne.

Body Dermology Comfort, a process that utilises 400 integrated pressure chambers that alternate between vacuum and compression is unique amongst body sculpting treatments in Melbourne; focusing on activating the metabolism of the connective tissue within the layers of the skin and improving circulation has the benefits of significant enhancement of skin tone and texture, and a reduction of the symptoms of lipoedema. The 400 chambers can target specific problem areas of your body providing tailor made body sculpting treatments in Melbourne that will not only leave you looking fantastic, but feeling fantastic too!

Additionally, a further benefit of BDC is that it can accelerate the effects of Body Firm Training, so for those who demand fast results with no painful heart thumping workouts to endure combining the two treatments is ideal; and for those who are time poor, you can complete both sessions in less than an hour. Body Firm Training sessions are only 30 minutes in duration whilst BDC sessions are even shorter, lasting only 20 minutes.

When you are looking for low impact aerobic workouts in Melbourne or perhaps outstanding body contouring treatments for cellulite in Melbourne that will leave your skin looking refreshed, healthy and toned, that also provides a proven, rapid solution to weight loss even from the most problematic areas of your body, don’t hesitate to book your first highly affordable sessions with Body Firm.

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